Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Church Camp

Just came back ytd frm chuch camp...

learnt alot about God and NS during the camp, really glad that i learnt more abt God!:D first day, the schedule was quite slack, just playing games and having workshops at night...the workshop is pretty interesting though, eugene and his vulgarities song and, dun get the wrong ideas, he was just trying to teach us about influence of popular culture, btw Stan is quite a nice song, just ignore the lyrics and enjoy the beats;) it's quite sad that only sherman brought cards, so everyone had to survive with one deck of cards throughtout the whole camp:P

2nd day: after bfast and singspiration, we had forums, which is a very wonderful thing to be put into the camp, i really appreciated the forum...learnt alot abt NS life from Marcus, Wen Kai, Josh and Shangjun, hope they wun penalise me to become an officer just because i am a taiwanese...anw after lunch we had tonsa games at a field...the water bomb game was kinda funny...starting from briefing when eugene said we haf to erect a structure from each team to be protected, den some guys started laughing...including me, yeah, u noe! and the game ended like in 5 mins instead of the 1hr we had during orientation in sch, cuz there is lack of water bombs, oni one pail full!lol! anw must thank God for the gd weather we haf cuz it was raining just before all the games started, but when we were about to cancel the games, it stopped raining, thank GOD!:D we had speaker session in the night after dinner, i was kinda dozing off, crapppp, when can i stop falling aslp during services, speaker sessions...2nd night was really a better sleep than 1st night, cuz i borrowed eugene's NS insect repellant, so i can sleep without having to cover my legs with jacket in the middle of the night (already got like 10 bites over my legs and even palm on first night)...however 2nd night was much colder than 1st night, so was fighting the cold and not the mosquitoes on 2nd night, but relatively it's a better slp:)

3rd day started off with another speaker session in which i was dozing off AGAIN!!! but after the speaker session we had this group discussion about the changes in our lives and God being the unchanging God always there for us...I am really really glad we had this discussion and i learnt more abt God and his plans...with pro ppl like Jeremy, Eugene, Mingdao and Sing Ee in my group, we were able to discuss very actively and indepthly...learnt about God's plans for us and how we shld really pray and why, sounds fundamental but i am quite sure many of us Christians out there dun really understand the reasons behind praying and what we shld really pray for, come to me if u wanna noe more abt these:) so after lunch, my grp was discussing about our skit for talentnight...with spontaneous ppl like Mingdao, we came up with the whole idea pretty fast and of course, a very funny one...Afternoon was was starting to raining very heavily when we stepped off the bus bringing us to Bedok reservoir, so Sherman, Eugene and I ran to the nearest telephone booth, very funny, then many others just wanted to squeeze in, so it's like 20+ ppl fighting for the phone booth!HAHA! in the end many just ran further to the toilet to take shelter...we all gathered in a big shelter beside the lake after a few transportations with a few umbrellas, the rain wasn't ceasing and the clouds looked extremely's very very cold, especially for me wearing the black sleeveless singlet, cuz the wind just kept blowing and the rain just kept falling...we all prayed together for the rain to stop...and the rain stopped after awhile:) THANKYOU GOD! then we went for dragon boating, which many of us though was a good experience and we had much fun!(although Sharon was complaining of her muscle aches the next dayXD) it was talentnight at night, which was when many of us almost died laughing...Elroi, being the gay and funny host together with shy ethel, another host, hosted group won the best overall skit! was so happy!haha...we had this penguin land story, super funny, esp wen kai who won the best supporting actor, he and his mop!!!hahaha, wanna noe more? come ask me;) mingdao and liwei really made me laugh like mad, elroi too, i really respect ppl who can make me laugh so heartily, cuz in sch usually is me being the humorous one and making everyone laugh, only pak in sch can make me laugh like mad i think;) after talentnight is cluedo by eugene the pro thinker, thx for planning for a few days for cluedo!!! my group was the funnies group i think, instead of interrogating the suspects and getting clues, we went around accusing all of them and making fake claims and assumptions and harrassing the suspects, HAHA, mingdao even wanted to lie in the middle of the field to act as the victim who died!LOL! Desiree was sooo funny, here's the convo during our interaction time with this so called witness of the murder:

Me: so what sch are u studying in now? (she was supposed to be a student who witnessed the murder)

Desiree: NUS lor...

Mingdao: NUS stands for???

Desiree: errrr...(thought for awhile) Nation...

Mingdao and me: MURDERER!!!

think Desiree was just having mental block suddenly, so funny, basically my team was just accusing anyone who had inconsistency in his/her words regardless of whether it's purposely or accidentally,hahahaha...stella was also quite traumatised by my group, hahaha, she kept on saying i am not the murderer!!!lol! after the game we just slacked around and talked and played instruments for fun till very early in the morning...i was very fascinated by mingdao's jazz playing of piano...i really wanna take up jazz piano and guitar soon!:D

on the last day, cuz i slept at 4+ in the morn, i was a walking zombie again...we unpacked and prepared to move out of the campsite...after helping to unload stuff at the church, james offered to give me a ride to toa payoh, or so i thought...on the way, james asked where i stay and he actly took me all the way home!!!i was so surprised and kinda touched! thx James!!!

Word of the camp: KINKY!

Question of the camp: If team A leaves place B at 3.55pm, show that 3+5 isnt equals to 8. (3 marks)

and that's basically my church camp, had much fun and learnt much stuff:D
and now i am packing again...leaving for taiwan tmr...pray that i will have a safe trip:)


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