Sunday, August 19, 2007

hey guys! i noe i have nt been updating for super long, guess i am just lazy and busy. anw gg overseas tonight for training le and i just feel like posting this song that touched me deeply and is my fav song for quite some time alr and still is! presenting to u...





整個宇宙 浩瀚無邊的盡頭 每顆渺小星球 全都繞著你走

愛我 非你莫屬 我只願 守護 由你給我的幸福

愛我 非你莫屬 也許會 笑著哭 但那人是你所以 不怕苦

懂得讓我流淚的人 給的感動一定是最深在我心中留下傷痕 你同時點亮了星辰

看 那麼多相遇 偏偏只和你 天造地設般產生奇蹟哦 我心的縫隙 我想除了你 任誰也無法填補這空虛

p.s. switch encoding to chinese traditional to see e beautiful lyrics(: