Monday, January 29, 2007


hello people of the civilised society!

this is recruit chen reporting from his 17-day tour at tekong. alright, i got posted to company leopard (some ppl echoing "LEOPARD" in the background) yes, many ppl said it's one of the most slacking company around, but i dunno, still quite tough to me though, mb i am just unfit:P anw yup, this 2 weeks are adjustment weeks, so our sergeants and commanders didnt punish us or what, like what sergeant tan alw said," this 2 weeks i give it to you." yup, mb we will be whacked heavily the minute we get back, which is like 4 hours later...

the training was quite tough at first, those AGRs, 30-60s...basically those running stuff lar, the rest i still okay with them. but after awhile these runnings get easier, just like what the sergeants said, they are progressive runs, so i am glad that my stamina is improving...about the route marches we had so far, 4 and 6km ones, i was quite okay with them, i didnt have any ache like my platoon-mates, the only thing that dreaded me was my blisters on my small toe due to the digging in of the front part of my boots, they were painful with every step i took...anw hope the skin there gets thicker and they wun affect me anymore...pull-ups, i used to do 8, but went in there and became 3 during IPPT Cat test, nvm, hope i will toughen up as time goes by...

the food there was o-kay, but as time goes by, i got very sian of the food and was just eating it for the sake of filling my stomach...esp the breakfasts, which i do not want to be reminded of, for those who liked char kwey tiao, i am quite sure they hate it now... the footdrills were fun, although they were tiring to some...the only thing tiring to me were the runs lar...SOC was quite fun so far, cuz we didnt do it with our FBO, so it's completable, but think i will still be able to complete it lar, by the end of BMT.

yes, SAF promised us 7 hours of slp, so our lights out time is 10.30 and must wake up by 5.30...but the fact is, who can fall aslp immediately at 10.30 at lights out? and r u really sure u can finish brushing ur teeth, wash ur face, get dressed up and fall in at 5.45 when u r sharing 7 basins with 49 other ppl? so basically u slp at 11+ and wake up at 5+, abt 6 hours only, well, i think they do understand that they didnt give us 7 hours full, so they arranged lectures every now and then for us to slp in, how smart(:

halfway through these 2 weeks, i was getting really sian of army life, it's the same old routine every single day...wake up at 5, do 5BX, breakfast, area cleaning, first parade, training, lunch, training, dinner, training, night snacks, 9.30 admin time rush to toilet to compete for cubicles to bathe, wash clothes, lights off at 10.30, and it goes on and on everyday, can c many sian-ed faces around me too, dunno if can tahan 2 years liddat or not...

was quite happy when i booked out on friday, went to dinner with family, finally, some proper food...anw i am quite sian now cuz now i have like no choice cuz i haf so much uncertainties coming up, results, OCS? NUS Med? i dunno what to do cuz these r crucial information for me to make whatever plans i wanna make. although sometimes i hope they wun come too soon as they may affect my life drastically, mb in a sad way, somemore all coming at abt the same time... oh well...lets just have simple faith in God and submit to whatever He has planned for us, yup!
alright, back to my finalising of packing of my bag to tekong, will be having field camps and shooting test this week i think, yup, gd luck to me, hope i wun tire out, will update again when i booked out next weekend...("leopard" echoes at background)

Thursday, January 11, 2007

last post...with hair

i know i haven't been blogging ever since the start of this year, which is like 10 days ago, but that is because i am booked every single day after the camp, no time...heh. let me see...countdown at nic's house and playing fighting games using gays, potluck dinner at pam's house, OCIP BBQ, guys coming over to my house to play sports, playing arcades and watching Night at the Museum, buffet afternoon tea with KYPAD and lotsa lotsa shopping with KYPD and also farewell dinner with Fantasix and KYPD.

anw i dun feel like elaborating all those outings, so just know that i had fun in all of them;) just packed up my stuff for NS, it's finally time for me to serve the country...i am not feeling scared or what, just being resistive to the change i guess, dun like the change in company, change in environment, and now i have to follow someone's command for 1yr and 10 mths...oh well, shall not complain so much, i shld just take it like a man...

i wun be blogging for at least 2 weekends from now on...anw just wanna say to all those guys in my class going in on april, i will welcome u all in april man, hehehe...and to my close girl friends, you all take care of yourselves k, wadeva tat happens there is still hp;)
Had lotsa decision makings recently, hope they are right, committing all these into God's hands:)

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

The KYPAD Camp

This may not be the most fun camp ard, but it is def one of the most enjoyable camps i have ever had.

1st day: well, all of us were late! hahaha! had lunch there then we went to a nearby grass patch. We played a game with all 4 of us blindfolded and having to get the rope tied into a circle across all of us and our limbs were quite entangled while at it:P we also did some ice-breaking stuff like self intro, but obviously it was not needed, we were like best of frens in class alr,lol, mb only useful for mr Alex Tan (now he can find a blog mentioning his name while searching for blogs)...

It began drizzling and we found a shelter. Mr tan wanted us to walk all the way to the OBS activity centre from Macdonalds, about was very tiring as we needa carry our fully loaded bags with us, and we had poncho over us, which was quite stuffy.It was especially difficult for pam and me us all the can foods were in our bags and we were carrying the tents...but ying and kim were commendable too, as they dun usually carry so much stuff to walk long distances one(xiao jies:P), but they did it anw, gd job, gals! it was a literally back-breaking walk, pam and i had to constantly find shelters to sit down and regenerate our strength abit...finally, we found the orange building of destiny, the OBS building and after settling down we went for's really very fun, although i haf done it b4. while kayaking halfway pam and kim will lie backwards to rest at times and i had to pedal myself, lol. sometime i slack myself at the back since they can't c started raining heavily while we were in the middle of nowhere, so mr tan asked us to row back ashore...the whole thing ended quite fast, it was a pity, if only the rain hadn't come...

After washing up, we learnt tent pitching and also laid out the 5 rules we had for out camp, it's pretty amusing, esp the drawings beside the rules, by kim the pro.
We pitched our tents near the sea after tat, den started cooking our dinner, which was quite tasty...

lighting the fire was quite scary though, cuz u will def haf the scalding feeling at ur thumb while lighting the spirit up, which was not a very nice feeling. went for grocery shopping after that cuz mr tan said our food supplies were not enough! anw at night we broke the rule and played cards together in 1 tent,lol, sry mr. tan if u r reading this:P

2nd day: We woke up and reported 7 mins late, so that's 7 more push-ups for us! ok lar, we did some runnings, static PTs like push-ups and crunches. we even played games like evolution which kim lost, poor kim, but it's super funny seeing her remaining in her egg form:D anw after that we did our reflections and wrote down our new year resolutions, for me i wanna master my handstands and air freezes and also to learn jazz guitar and piano...we went to climbing adventure after that to do rock climbing. at first it was pretty easy, but after awhile my muscles started to ache and i just gave up halfway on my last climb. it's pretty funny when kim's belaying, cuz we will all be very scared!lol, not ur fault kim, u r too light, we r too heavy:P kim was very lazy to reach the top, so pam suggested putting 10 dollar notes at the top, HAHA! Mr. Tan wanted us to view the top as our new year resolutions, so that we can climb towards that.
We arrived at our next campsite after climbing, the Changi beach. the wind was super duper nice. We pitched our tents and took our own sweet time to start cooking and stuff.
It was really a nice scnen to see all of us helping each other without complaining, but of cuz, we are all very willing to help each other at any time:D
the dinner was very nice with the cooling wind and tasty dried noodles...we also fried sausages and stuff...

we started playing guessing story games like john threw a stone and romeo and juliet died, why? haha, lotsa funny and lame questions popped up:P anyway, we went for our solo walk after that at a place we can't mention publicly...anw, that place was pretty scary as it was abandoned, broken window panes, empty rooms with dusty tables and chairs and just simply pitch dark at night. the gals were very scared, well, i haf to admit i was kinda scared too, as the environment was really very's really too scary, so we split up into pairs lor, kim and pam were like gossiping all the way to distract themselves. Ying and i we were simply just walking briskly and saying stuff like watch out for that step or sth liddat, hahaha, guess we were braver;) the whole walk was quite short though, super short in fact, but nvm lar, better not play with fire for too long:P the night was one of the best nights ard i shld say...we went back and started our gossiping session with mr tan. he was asking about our gossips, like kim and her erhm, yy and her erhm, me and alice and pam and her thousand and one pursuers. btw there were FOUR singles, not TWO singles;) we also got to know abt mr. tan's love story with his beloved buffy, he promised to invite us to his wedding, yay! anw mr. tan was really lucky to know all about our secrets all at one go cuz nobody in class knows all about our secrets, except for the four of us ourselves, circle of trust man;) after that, mr. tan left for his house far away so that he could charge his phone, we took a nice night stroll along the road inside the changi beach area. we talked abt lotsa stuff, haiz, dunno when we will haf this kinda chance again after this year when all 4 of us can pour out to each other.

we walked up and down the road back to our tent then out again, total twice, cuz the walk was really enjoyable:) we slept way past lights out time tat night, ok lar, we never slept on time through out the camp, oops:P

3rd day: Mr. tan came late, so we didnt have any PTs. we stirked our tents and left the beautiful changi beach which the gals wanna stay there for the rest of the camp,lol. anw we left for the jetty and arrived at pulau ubin.

with our bags and everything, we trekked from checkpoint to checkpoint. It was a very fun exp as we tried to not get that dirtied by the mud on some roads, some really could not be avoided! we learnt how to navigate our way using the map, kinda cool.
our biggest motivation throughout the trek was the seafood dinner mr. tan promised us if we reached our campsite by 5pm, which we did, i am glad, we made it through together:) we were all so shagged when we reached our final destination, the toilet beside our campsite.
the 1 hr rest b4 dinner after the trek was a real gd slp to me, i really slept soundly, though it was just an hour. after the sumptuous dinner,

we pitched our tents blindfolded with one person directing who couldn't touch the tents, a challenge for us since we were all high-levelled tent pitchers,lol. we had a chatting session in the shelter beside our tents at night. Hot seat was on and we were asked to talk abt each other's gd and bad points. you have to be there urself to understand how heartwarming the scene was, the fact is, we really couldn't think of bad points of each other, mb we were too used to each other's bad points, heh, at most it's sth like david alw haf curfew cannot hang out more with us or pam too nice liao then alw get bullied by her certain friend... even mr. tan was so envious of our strong frenship:D mr. tan was also asking us to think abt the trek during the day, we didn't quarrel at all we realise, yes, we were all v accommodating of each other, we were thinking if there was anyone else ard things wouldn't be so peaceful all this while...everyone was quite tired that day so we slept at 12+, quite early as compared to previous nights. While i was laying out my slping bag in my tent, pam said it's as though i was having a one-man disco inside my tent cuz the tent was shaking and i was using my torchlight to shine ard, heh.
Last day: we woke up and did our last PT. Mr. Tan told us that we will be doing a 2km run which turned out to be a 4-5 km run cuz he didn't wanna discourage us b4 the run, heh, gd tactic. kim was leading us in the run, gd that her pace is slow, i can slack:P after that we had our breakfast to clear up the food remained and also striked our tents. the camp ended.
4 is really a gd no., one more person there or one of us missing from the camp will make the camp less enjoyable alr. just wanna say my life in jc was made much happier cuz of u 3, pam, ying and kim, thank you...

Taiwan trip

Alright, i noe i haven been blogging for quite awhile, but i seriously have been busy, too busy…taiwan trip was okay, at least bought more clothes this time, and got myself a swatch, cool~ it wasn’t that cold…ate like crazy as usual…felt quite sad when my grandma told me my grandpa just following a daily routine of waking up early in the morn to do a bit of walking(he can’t walk very well alr), eat breakfast, watch tv, eat lunch, watch tv, sleep, do abit of walking, dinner, watch tv, sleep…every single day…it’s so boring, but no choice, haiz…and maybe he is just looking forward to the end of every year when my family goes back to taiwan…even then, he cannot really join us to go anywhere cuz he can’t move very well…i dunno wad to do to make the situation better, i really dun…

anw, realised my cousins have really grown up! one of them have a bf now alr, and she looked really grown up. Scenes of us all playing hide and seek together in the big house, jumping the big beds and running through the bushy field and see who got the most love grasses sticked onto our pants were still quite fresh in my memory, time really flies…we are all entering the adult world of worrying for money, jobs, marriages and homes…i really hope we will help each other along in the near future, at least i will:) i really haf lotsa memories of us playing since young that i still think back at times, fun and happy childhood, haiz…if only time can stop then…