Monday, January 29, 2007


hello people of the civilised society!

this is recruit chen reporting from his 17-day tour at tekong. alright, i got posted to company leopard (some ppl echoing "LEOPARD" in the background) yes, many ppl said it's one of the most slacking company around, but i dunno, still quite tough to me though, mb i am just unfit:P anw yup, this 2 weeks are adjustment weeks, so our sergeants and commanders didnt punish us or what, like what sergeant tan alw said," this 2 weeks i give it to you." yup, mb we will be whacked heavily the minute we get back, which is like 4 hours later...

the training was quite tough at first, those AGRs, 30-60s...basically those running stuff lar, the rest i still okay with them. but after awhile these runnings get easier, just like what the sergeants said, they are progressive runs, so i am glad that my stamina is improving...about the route marches we had so far, 4 and 6km ones, i was quite okay with them, i didnt have any ache like my platoon-mates, the only thing that dreaded me was my blisters on my small toe due to the digging in of the front part of my boots, they were painful with every step i took...anw hope the skin there gets thicker and they wun affect me anymore...pull-ups, i used to do 8, but went in there and became 3 during IPPT Cat test, nvm, hope i will toughen up as time goes by...

the food there was o-kay, but as time goes by, i got very sian of the food and was just eating it for the sake of filling my stomach...esp the breakfasts, which i do not want to be reminded of, for those who liked char kwey tiao, i am quite sure they hate it now... the footdrills were fun, although they were tiring to some...the only thing tiring to me were the runs lar...SOC was quite fun so far, cuz we didnt do it with our FBO, so it's completable, but think i will still be able to complete it lar, by the end of BMT.

yes, SAF promised us 7 hours of slp, so our lights out time is 10.30 and must wake up by 5.30...but the fact is, who can fall aslp immediately at 10.30 at lights out? and r u really sure u can finish brushing ur teeth, wash ur face, get dressed up and fall in at 5.45 when u r sharing 7 basins with 49 other ppl? so basically u slp at 11+ and wake up at 5+, abt 6 hours only, well, i think they do understand that they didnt give us 7 hours full, so they arranged lectures every now and then for us to slp in, how smart(:

halfway through these 2 weeks, i was getting really sian of army life, it's the same old routine every single day...wake up at 5, do 5BX, breakfast, area cleaning, first parade, training, lunch, training, dinner, training, night snacks, 9.30 admin time rush to toilet to compete for cubicles to bathe, wash clothes, lights off at 10.30, and it goes on and on everyday, can c many sian-ed faces around me too, dunno if can tahan 2 years liddat or not...

was quite happy when i booked out on friday, went to dinner with family, finally, some proper food...anw i am quite sian now cuz now i have like no choice cuz i haf so much uncertainties coming up, results, OCS? NUS Med? i dunno what to do cuz these r crucial information for me to make whatever plans i wanna make. although sometimes i hope they wun come too soon as they may affect my life drastically, mb in a sad way, somemore all coming at abt the same time... oh well...lets just have simple faith in God and submit to whatever He has planned for us, yup!
alright, back to my finalising of packing of my bag to tekong, will be having field camps and shooting test this week i think, yup, gd luck to me, hope i wun tire out, will update again when i booked out next weekend...("leopard" echoes at background)


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