Saturday, February 21, 2009

farewell sg, hello aust

it's been a really great farewell for me, in fact too great. God, thank you for all the friends i have around me...feel really loved (not in a gay manner). end of post.....NOT haha bet u tot for a moment it's gna b a short and boring post whereby a thousand word is squeezed into 2 sentences huh...

ok group by group (not in any order).


Thanks for the loafers u guys bought for me...really didnt expect to get it from u guys...i tot i was gna like just bomb my wallet over those, haha, so it's a really present surprise, thanks! anw the last sunday wasnt really sad somehow, mb i'm just too happy to leave u guys....JUST KIDDING! during the so called farewell lunch aka celebration for my absence tts gna come, i am sorry to the 2 side tables, didnt really talk to u guys, in fact i didnt even talk to the far end of my own class' table, but u guys shld noe, my love's floating all ard;);) Thanks everyone who came down to send me down at the airport also, really didnt expect such a huge crowd to come, haha, sorry again that didnt get to talk to u guys luggage weight exceeded and we had to bargain for damn long to get it passed and thus i have no time for everyone of my friends! oh well...but at least a pic was taken...and to each and everyone from church, thanks for the great fellowship, esp my class ppl and cg mates...thanks for enduring all the crap and nonsense i spout out every now and then,lol!


thanks bing shao for organising the farewell...sry couldnt make it for those farewell meetups u planned, but thanks alot for e effort man...yup...some of my dear sergeants came, congrats again for ORD-ING! now u have total freedom and can have hair as long as mine and BS;);)anw verne got this damn cool camera that can develop picture on the spot one, damn zai...oh and my guards specs came too, thanks jojo for organising it...and jacob!! y u late! lol i oni saw u from the glass after i went in, hahaha sry if u feel that u have wasted ur trip...but actly it's nt really wasted, at least u c my handsome face, u can go show off to ur frens now, tell them u saw david chen's face b4 he flew off, they will be damn jealous. HAHA. just wanna say, army wouldnt be bearable without all u guys, so thanks alot man for everything for the past year, i know i may not have been the most professional and on PC, but who cares, that's nt who i really am anw, SO ACCEPT IT, lol!

Tian Tang
next up, my tian tang brothers...haha it's been ages since we met up la!!!everybody's busy with his own life perhaps...but seriously, thanks alot for coming down to send me off...and if u guys come over in june, dun worry, my holidays are starting in3rd week of june, so ya...i will try my best to show u guys ard if u guys come! thanks ph for organising this farewell! as well as being my appointed professional cameraman for the night, lol! oh and nf...u're v lucky to have ying as ur gf...make sure u treat her well ya (i noe u will) if not i'll box u!

Thailand OCIP+Pak
lol this is a funny combi...but who cares...pak can mix with any group, cuz hes v socialble,lol. anw thanks aaron for organising the farewell davidchen superband meetup at ur house when we played guitar hero from 4pm-2am, abit insane, my hands were practically useless for the next 2 days...but yeah...appreciate it, really...thanks, wh and royston for always coming for the meetups and now e well as xh, haha, u guys are really the one that bothered to keep the links in this Thai OCIP group working...and i appreciate that, really, hope when i'm back, we'll meet up again to challenge Aaron in expert mode, lol! oh and pak...dunno if u will read my blog since u r chionging ur lvl100 in atlantica/throwing molotovs at teammates while waiting in saferoom and manually creating 250hordes/aspiring to be a full-time all-star nerd of the creation. Anw, thanks alot for the treat at billy bombers which i have eaten for the 3rd time for farewell treat, but ya, nv fails to enjoy the outing w far i think u r e oni guy that can keep me laughing thruout our meeting, keep it up man, and as for ur personal life... haha, u better heed my advices man...and yeah looking forward to seeing u in april, u said u wanna come over if the air ticket is less than 5 bucks rite? ya i got it for u at a discount...4.99 oni, and it comes with free pandan cake and techno music, gd buy ya?;) and yup, ur hair is getting really nice, have more confidence in urself in wadeva u do ya, cya ard!


Dance rox, and u guys are the ones that cnfrms my belief in it. Thanks Kegan for organising the farewell K, although it's super ex, lol. and yup...nowadays it's usually fantasix-2, since mich is super busy and germ is overseas...but well, we still enjoyed ourselves whenever we met up, and yea, u guys are the bunch of ppl that i really enjoy k-ing with the out of tune ppl, no mike hoggers, and can harmo spontaneously, haha. can sing and can dance, fantasix rox man, meet up again when i'm back ya! and kegan, jiayou, go get a hot jap gf in japan!!!


alright, i dunno who organised the farewell but i guess u guys love me too much so just came and realised many other classmates came too, HAHA. ya thanks for coming man, although nd's complaining in his blog nv really toked to me...but seriously, nt my fault...wanna blame, blame the authors who wrote my med books, who ask them write so much until the book so thick until become so heavy...and yingggggg, now oni left u in sg le, take care k...i noe nf will take gd care of u, haha. zong, gd luck in edinburgh, dun die of coldness, i'll challenge u to ur med skills next time, c who zaier;) steffi, thanks for coming also, haha, my coooooolest junior! awx, gd luck with getting a gal soon, lol, an attempt to prove that u r nt gay;) and tf, gd job in getting the place in uni, haha, have more confidence in yourself!!! these....are part of the comrades that survived As with me...

last but not least, thanks those ppl who didnt come for the farewell but sent me sms-es/wall msges! thanks for at least bothering to let me noe that u noe that i noe that u noe that i noe that u knew that i was leaving! haha!


Photo from the cool camera of Verne

Video made by Fantasix

Card From Yingggg

Card from Dell that entertained me for 2 mins

Card From Daniel
alright guys, u guys are seriously v free to read e post till this far, whoever's reading it, since u r so free, mb u can count the number of thanks i used in this post;) winner gets to know how tasty the black forest cornetto ice cream they gave as dessert on SQ plane, lol. Anw A380 is really different from the rest of the SQ planes i have taken before...they have bigger screens for movies as well, hehe.

P.S. Just a random note, do i really look so young? i was drinking the singapore sling on the plane...and one air stewardess came over and asked me how old i am...weird man...mb she just wanna c if i was e right age for her;) sry...i dun take too old gals:D

will update more on aust once i'm free e internet pays by per mb, sian man, i am too used to using unlimited in sg! needa find a way to tap,hehehe...nites everyone! it's 2am here alr!

Thursday, February 05, 2009

no updates

yoyo everyone, okok since by popular demands of 4 ppl, i shall update even though i have really nth much to update...
okok, currently i am just waiting to go over to unsw and start my uni life...i am more or less settled for everything, including accomodation, thank God!!! and i didnt get a new hp, just settling with w980 first which is my mum's one and she doesnt even use a phone for all e special functions so she gave it to me since my dad's 500 bucks voucher can oni b used in sep...
oh and i only left 2 weeks in who wanna meet up with me pls ask me out!!! haha, currently my whole of next week is free, this is week is more or less filled up...thanks aaron wong for organising the farewell party for me!!! as well as the class bbq which is to celebrate nd's bdae and bern, nic and my departure,tsktsk. ok, now i just hope that my other grps of frens will like plan sth next week to meet up or sth (if not i will really bore to death)...i got quite a few in mind actly, but i am just too lazy to plan so ya...i'll just wait...maybe nth will come also,lol. hey but ying2, if u c this...let's meet up next week ya, see u're so special i mentioned ur name only, haha. (nf dun get wrong idea arh) oh and maybe theres a peanut party for me organised by jh,hahaha, hope i survive that one..kk, enuf of random updates...when i get over to aust, i will upload more pics taken there (hope i wun be too lazy to just heck it).

good luck, have fun and see you again~