Saturday, March 24, 2007

blk leave

alright, it has really been quite some time since i last blogged, cuz i am too busy with my 12-day freedom:p

anw firstly, pam is back! that's a gd news, KYPD is back to one piece again (although KYD often went out in e past few weeks,oops:P) one month is really quite long huh...but dun worry pam, u r not out of our lives yet(:

went out with my platoon ppl the other day, wah i really must say, CS can be so fun when u r playing with so many of ur friends altogether, the team balancing will be good and the no. of players will be just nice. had so much fun and laughter...asked them to knife fight, then all buy grenades, haha acting smart huh, then say no grenade, then CTs will buy shields,hahaha, thinking soldiers i c...

oh btw, i got into OCS!!! haha, this is so PC was saying what oni top 5 and a few others will get into OCS, then the other few will be ppl like Rong En, Cheng Rong, this kinda high scorers, then the rest will either be man or go sispec. so yeah, i was thinking i will most likely go sispec since i didn't exactly stand out or WAYANG in my company...really must thank God for this as this is part of His plan and i know He will walk with me thru it!:D but i think it's really not a big thing, since so many of my other friends got into OCS, and like almost my whole platoon got into command sch lar, think leadership batch is really sth...

i dunno if i shld, but i dun wanna...


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