Monday, March 12, 2007


9 weeks seem to haf passed in a blink of an eye now as POP is nearing. yeah, i noe 9 weeks seemed forever while we were in e middle of it,haha. Leopard platoon 4 has been with me through much stuff, field camp, SIT test, SOC, IPPT, 4km, 12km, 16km, 24km route marches(which we just did on friday and to prove tat we did it just check out the almost bald guys walking down e streets these few days, walking like chimpanzees with legs wide open,lol), Leopard night, Recruit's evening, Games' Day and now finally for our last even together, POP.

i am quite glad that i didnt get any abrasions or blisters on my small toe from this 24km route march, oni haf one blister below my big toe which is nth compared to many others who are having serious abrasions trainings really work, it's not as shag as what i tot it would be when i was doing my 8km route march. kinda fun cuz was crapping with ani all along, as night fell and we marched in darkness with only light sticks on Sergeant's SBO, we began to share ghost stories and experiences if we have...well, what can i say, we r scared but we love the thrill, yeah, basically we r mad soldiers;) after the march everyone was so shagged, but e sense of achievement was...i dunno how to say, cuz i didnt really haf it cuz i was too shagged:p that marks e end of e physical requiring activities in our BMT lives...

Leopard company has become the common enemy of school 2...they were actually doing some boo-ing cheer at our company ALTOGETHER while we marched into the parade square late for our 24km route march...well, what can i say, champions are always lonely...but ok lar, we were quite arrogant abt it, so yeah, haha, too bad lor, who ask us to win consecutively for so many years, haiz, can't help it man *shrugs* oh but i must say that ulyccis is very strong this year, won us at tug of war, so UNBA (dunno y ppl alw use imba when e right word should be unbalanced and not imbalanced), we leaned back just to hold on but they leaned back to pull, yeah...kinda expected it cuz nic, timo, qibo all these zai ppl all inside ulyccis...

It's kinda funny now that Jenson Loh has become e legend among Leopard platoon 4. It all started in field camp while we were resting in our shell scrape. Wei Lun was imitating some sergeants den i suddenly imitated the night snack Coporal (Jenson) and he tot it was pretty funny. from then on we began to imitate him every now and then, cuz his words and facial expressions are so classic:"talk talk talk, listen to RO la!" with a face with a tilted mouth,lol. we then spreaded it among our day before SIT test we were the duty platoon so we were asked by Sergeant Khaliff to gather outside the store room. we were told to fill up 100jerry cans, yeah, sounded crazy but we didn't complain. then all of a sudden Jenson came from inside the store room

Jenson: *does a T-shaped cut sign with his hands and also cutting action at his neck*

Jenson:I load arh??? 100 jerry cans i load arh??? I load arh???

platoon 4: ???*whispers to each other, we nv say no wad....*

Teng Chuan (someone from platoon 4): we nv said we r not loading!

Jenson: I load arh???today only got me on duty, i load arh???

Teng Chuan: nono we will load for u...

Jenson: oh ok.*went back into store room*

Khaliff: eh no hard feelings arh~

basically that's what happened, super random comments by Jenson, but oh well, it became a super big joke line for our platoon.( non-leopard 4 ppl if u see this and find this not funny, sry arh, inside joke:p) from then on, the night snack coporal thing became a legend in platoon 4, nobody doesn't noe abt him,lol, and his lines are used every now and then and we r nv sick of laughing at them:D (btw he is night snack coporal cuz he serves us night snacks every other evenings) btw he just ORD-ed on friday just before our 24km route march, i shook his hand to congratulate him, he looked bewildered cuz he doesnt even noe who i am, but he didnt noe, he brought lotsa fun and laughter to our platoon unknowingly, thanks man jenson.*salutes*

went to NUS open house today, felt kinda relieved now cuz i alr applied for NUS and stuff, things are getting into place, now it's just waiting for the outcome...


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