Wednesday, September 02, 2009


Gosh, my blog seems super out-dated...
exam is next thurs, i shouldn't be here typing my blog entry...but i feel the need to update some stuff for myself to look back in the future and laugh, haha.

Today i had my first experience of interviewing a patient ALONE! On top of that i have my attached doctors watching me from the side...that's super stressful i must say...Oh and to add on to that, the patient i interviewed was actually getting ready to be discharged, so he was not exactly the most patient patient (no u r not having double vision, i typed it twice). I managed to pull it off somehow but though stressful, i actually learnt quite alot from it because usually we do it in groups and there's no pressure/responsibility carried since any mistakes get shared, haha. Dr. Clea was nice enough to bring chips and chocs for our last session for this course ( even though the girls did not really touch the food, i was the glutton relatively, haha).

Life is really alot about choices, and i'm glad of my choices (allowed me to see clearly the true colour of some people in the process), thank God, for the consequences otherwise would be unimaginable...

kk, back to mugging...even though i'm not really feeling the stress...this is bad!:p


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