Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Half of the Easter hols week has just passed, i'm totally enjoying it...but i did not mug anything yet! this is bad...but still i need to blog about the church camp i had, which was totally enriching.

Last weekend, i went for church camp...we had 4 days 3 nights intensive study on sexuality...from really general picture about man and woman to really sensitive details like pornography and masturbation (sorry for the language if you can't take it, but there's nothing wrong to talk about it as long as you do not think dirty;)) anw yup, i learnt most on the issue of Christian dating, a fantastic workshop given by e sweet couple johnny and joyce. Learnt so much about it and especially on the issue of Christian and non-Christian dating...I know of some of my friends out there facing this issue, some are even very devoted christians, which is why i paid extra attention during this workshop and asked everything i need to know to be able to help my friends facing this problem. If there is another thing that i must say that i got out from this camp, it's the bond. I got to know many more people and got v close to my BS ppl...I looked forward to having BS with them every morning man...i felt that i learnt much more and had more fun when doing bs compared to the talks i attended during the camp. There is also some differences i found between church camp and medcamp... in church camp, if ppl dunno u, they will make an effort to come over and know you and just make you feel at home in case you feel that you are new and friendless. in medcamp, we dun really interact w each other unless necessary. In medcamp, nobody cares whether u r coming back to slp or not, they just off the light when they're sleeping regardless of whether it may b too dark for e ppl slping in e same room when they come back later. in churchcamp, on one of the nights when i slp first, i didnt off e light even though i was slping on e upper decker and light was really dazzling me cuz i noe e room will too dark for movement if i off e lights. I was quite touched during the last night when i went back at 5.30am which was super ultra late, my room was brightly lit, with 3 of my roommates slping under e bright lights. (thanks, boon, wen hao, mike) oh and this camp is actly an eating camp also, 6 meals a day...felt so fat aft the camp, sighhhhhhh

oh and at the hostel i am living at currently, we even formed sorta like a prayer group among the singapore med yr1s's pretty cool, it's like a big accountability group which we can rely on...we haf singspiration and shared prayer pointers every week...tomorrow i'm gna share with them what i have learnt during the church camp, hope it will be useful for some of them!

3monkeys pub is quite good apparently (if you dun mind e weird smell of dirty carpet floor) gd live band and gd hip hop music for dancing while e live band took intermissions...i shall visit there again...oh and coogee today was really fun man! was quite mesmerised by the big waves they have at the coogee pretty wet, but too bad i didnt haf my swimming gears w me, if not i would've swum today. I shall not mention who fell down in the sea while trying to reach for her toes,lol! oh and we found a pretty nice and hidden place to swim just beside some huge boulders near the time shall swim there man!!! today was fantastic, gd company, nice weather, sunny and windy, relaxing on e grass simply rox. after exam, shall go again(:

sorry arh, no pics cuz i no camera and i dun haf transfer wires for my hp, so camera coming this weekend...after that can start taking pictures again! haha. okok i shall attempt so start mugging le...


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