Tuesday, November 04, 2008

More Updates

ok, finally i am into my last week of NS, clearing off and leave,heh. and i got my car test date and i passed my riding assessment, things are gg smoother for me recently, thank God! tmr i am gna have my first car lesson with my so called head instructor whose car i am gna use for the test itself, so i hope it will not be too different from the intructor he gave me all these while.

Apparently the head instructor only take students when the instructors under him has taught the student everything...good that i am finally progressing until i am with the head instructor...but still i find that i took too many lessons for a private instructor...13 so far...and more to come with head instructor...may end up to be ard 19? sianz...so much money, my fren did it in 8 lessons and passed his test...oh well...i guess i should be contended now relatively comparing to my previous situation whereby i was just driving on the road over and over again, not progressing at all...and my bike lesson, i guess i was lucky to get that instructor yesterday...he told us most of us should pass as long as we dun haf any immediate failure or get too much deduction...haha...and i really passed!!!a near miss though...got 18 points...1 more pt i will fail,haha. so i passed my assessment in 2 tries!!!so happy, cuz i got friend who tried 7 times and still failing and is now quitting...and i also heard the highest record is 27 times...scary. alot of friends around me asking y am i taking riding when it's so dangerous compared to car...well...having a licence at hand is better than nothing, i am not intending to buy a bike, i am just getting the licence so that in the future if situation needs me to ride a bike at least i can ride one...yup, tts abt it for my licences updates...

oh and my uni, i finally decided to go to UNSW medicine after so long...i guess it doesn't really matter where u take our med course, as long as you do well, there will be a space reserved for u and from there is where the real journey starts...previously i was pretty stressed and stuff cuz my uni not settled, my driving test date not confirmed, my riding assessment not passed...lotsa uncertainties, and i hate that feeling seriously...but now i begin to have a clearer picture of everything...

well, currently i am busy with making video for my army friends...we had this cohesion whereby we played amazing race...and now i got all the pics and videos and i needa make it into a dvd so that i can give it to my army friends as some sorta ORD gift for them( actly it's requested by my csm...) but anw i tot of power point photo montage...but then how to play it on a dvd player? so then i tot of just burning everything into one dvd, well that saves me alot of effort...but as a perfectionist who have lotsa time now, i decided to make it like some movie dvd...so here i am trying to become some video producer using the programs my father got as one of the free gifts from buying his video camera from SONY. well the program looks real pro, and ya...v v complicated...there's 3 programs in total, one for editting video, one for audio and one for making dvd...so basically i have to juggle among the 3, i cant just work with one...i needa make the video first, while using audio editor to edit the audio so that it can fit the video... after video is done, i will transfer it to dvd maker so that ppl can watch it on a dvd player...it looks quite professional now that i am like almost half done, hope the end product will be good! but the sense of achievement is really quite great when i finished one video for one of the teams...

well, i guess thats all for now...will update again soon...hmm...i still haven't found out how to add pictures,lol.


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