Tuesday, June 26, 2007

another long post

wow, i relaised i havent blogged for abt more than a mth:P well, that shows how busy i am with army...or it just shows how lazy i am too,haha.

ok lor,backtrack all the way to dance night...well, i am quite glad to c bboy club growing...the members have increased tremendously! Pak and i both were very proud to see our juniors performing and the club we started out shining. however i think last yr's dance night was better...not because i am biased or wad, but just tat i dun really think including chinese dance is a gd idea, especially ending the whole dance night with one...last yr, we ended with a dance battle, i am sure the audience felt the concert ended on a high note...but this yr ended with a chinese dance, so i was feeling like "oh it ended alr? ok, gd job guys" and the bboy perf this yr was abit messy, partially due to too many ppl and it's kinda hard to coordinate everyone's every movement, so it's not anybody's fault, but on the whole it still looked cool.haha and for alicia, gd job, i was abt to take pics for ur that sexy dance but after the dance i realised i was too engrossed in the dance and didnt take a single pic for that dance,haha. haha i also realised felix was a sergeant last time, sergeant huang~ lol. Felix has been with us for the 2nd yr now, and i hope tat he has felt a sense of belonging to hci bboy crew alr and that he will realise himself that he is not just some random bboy on the street, he is part of the hci family alr, he is someone whom all the bboys in hci respect. I met some jnrs there too, like liwei, evonne, steffi, jess, zhang wei, yixiand of cuz clarice who performed really well that nite! i am kinda lazy to put pics here,heh, sry~

ok after that there is actly nth much lar...ok den the next big thing i remembered shld be platoon field camp...well...everyday rained...except for the day we did our digging, fortunately.anw i was appointed the defence PC, so basically i had to co-ordinate the whole defence exercise with the help of my runner and PS. because i had to dig my command post, i felt quite restricted.i could not idle ard like the rest of my platoon could, they could dig and go find others to chat for awhile before digging again, basically for them it's OTOT(own time own target) but for me once i rest ppl will start to complain saying that i was slacking, so no chance to interact with my sectionmates, thus e whole digging was quite sian for me. our digging ended up being the best among the 3 platoons, of cuz it's not due to me, it's due to the hardwork of the whole platoon, think we were e oni platoon that stayed up thru e nite to dig...heard that platoon2 after 3am there was no sound at all, nobody's digging,lol. i felt quite contended when i heard ppl like joel thanking me and telling me that i had done a good job leading the whole platoon,hwever, there are also some ppl whose names i would not want to mention that simply tot i was a lousy PC, they compared me to the cadet wing comd and said just behind my back literally(either purposely or tot that i couldn't hear) that the diff between me and him is that i cannot work or make things work but he can, oh well...i guess they haf e right to comment wadeva they want. after e digging, somebody took over to become the PC for execution of defence,haha, i did all the planning, all e admin work and all the fatigue work of digging and now somebody else took over me to execute wadeva i have prepared for, great. anw it's ok, at least now i can interact more with my close frens in e platoon. It's gd that i went to become e buddy of Wei Da, my oni HCI fren in my platoon, we were quite close due to tat. after raining in e day, the fire trench was partially flooded, gd that it's oni ankle level and not waist level, if not we would be swimming...e most memorable part while defending with wei da were the stand2s. for e first stand2, we go bored of being on alert and doing nth else, so we took out biscuits and fruitips and peach tea powder and started having a mini feast in our fire trench,heh. after we finished, just nice the instructors came to attack and the thunderflash kept on exploding, each time getting nearer to our trench, cuz our trench is at e bottom of e slope, we were super scared that e next one will simply roll into our trench and explode between us, but gd tat it did not happen:P anw after tat attack, the PC told us e instructors will attack again, so remain stand2.however, i did not think they will attack so fast, so i went back to find wei da, we laid out our groundsheet, changed socks and underwear, powder bathed, ate our dinner, had a little chat, den went to our shell scrape to slp until the next morn 6.30am when someone called our names to remind us to be in stand 2. We woke up after that to go into our trench just 5 mins b4 e instructors attacked again...hahaha, can u believe it...some ppl actly stand inside their trench the whole nite on alert while we were enjoying all these simple luxuries.XD after the defence was e attack...i was appointed the runner...y...y me again...anw i carried the signal set and rushed up the 85m tall hill with the rest of my platoon, almost died, but it was gd training, haha. basically that's all abt my platoon field camp, also e first time my LBV and long four were that dirty.

next, let's tok abt pam's bdae celebration. ying and i went to recce e ground 2 hours b4 we met pam...we found this place called the ark cafe, a place with gd atmosphere. went to pick pam up at abt 8pm and brought her to the ark. we had lotsa fun listening to the live band there playing songs that we requested, it's mostly chinese songs, so we enjoyed it alot! cuz there was oni 3 tables and 1 table left halfway, the other table was e singer's bf, so oni left our table requesting songs, so we basically got what we wanted all the time except when they did not know how to perform e song,haha. i even went up to sing yong bao while playing e guitar...was having runny nose and flu tat day so didnt sing very well, and i dunno y, mb too long nv sing le, i actly couldnt catch e first note of e song until after awhile, oh well...but i am sure e 2 gals wun mind.XD and dun worry, kim, u will join us next time k...e food there was okay, it's mostly e atmosphere and e performance that i enjoyed alot, i will visit there often next time with ppl like nd, nic, huiwen who also enjoy chinese songs:D anw hope pam did enjoy herself that nite, cuz we certainly had(:

my service term is coming to an end in like 2days time...3 mths just flew past liddat, can still rmb tat time how i dreaded coming to the tango wing, e new envt and everything, but now i think i am gna miss my sectionmates who have become quite close to me...at e same time i am also quite excited to know where i will be posted to, if i got posted to support arms then coming sunday i will be flying off to brunei le, fast yet true...will update again soon, hope i wun drag for another mth.XD haha everytime i dragged and a long post will appear, sry man, for those who have been constantly visiting my blog, it's either i dun haf anything new to entertain u all or i haf a super long post which u may get sian reading halfway cuz it's simply too long,lol
anw random fact, HI154 guys all got into OCS, hooray...


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