Monday, May 07, 2007

slack week

This week in ocs quite slack...labour day...den wed booked out for dentistry interview, which i think i screwed up again cuz they ask me some facts abt dentistry which i dunno and they expect me to now which i expect myself to learn during the dentistry course itself...oh well, the interviewer abit scary, she was like," You dunno abt these and u still apply for dentistry??" den i broke down and cry and tot i was done la, i didnt break down and cry but i did think tt i was done for, a smile was still on my face though throughout e interview, wad else can i do right...den i had my ippt test and still didnt get gold, sianz......den thurs to sat all signals package, slack like crazy, no exercise at all...but at least it made me change my view towards signals officer, now i want to go signals instead of armours, haha, can slack more:P

anw ytd was great. went out with the lards+Aaron wong(who still doesnt wanna be recognised as lard). We basically had super long chats, it was quite fun, catching up and gossiping. We went to secret recipe to haf a drink first. I drank ice blended mocha which i tot was quite cool le, compared to aaron wong's supposedly nice drinking plain water, then wang hao ordered "english breakfast tea" wah, sound so cultured...anw dunno how aaron wong got all those supposedly juicy info abt me and alice from his MP friend, but most are inaccurate anw, or shld i say all, haha aaron, u have to believe me man, i am e one that went thru it, of cuz i noe wad happened lar! so after that wang hao left and we went to billy bombers to eat, basically it's pretty funny seeing how aaron wong wanna charge me for everything i did,lol. den we haf this super funny convo:

context: aaron wong showing us prom pics, and we came across cheng yin's one
XH: u noe cheng yin wore like some chinese lady, eh no, like er....wads that show e princess one...isit sinbad?
sarah and i look at each other...
Me: err, i think it's aladdin
XH: oops, yeah aladdin (and everyone bursts into laughter)

haha sinbad and aladdin r super different man...we also spent sometime explaining to sarah and XH what's the diff between post and rank...haha, when aaron said he can take charge of military discipline and wang hao said he can save the commandos at e war front line, i tot to myself," hmm, i can pump my man, ok, i am quite useless" haha oh well...but it's ok, as long as my pay is the highest:P we went to esplanade after dinner, not bad, then aaron wong started complaining about all the emo couples after breaking up at very young ages,haha, den he became very emo himself toking abt the blogs and msn nick names of those emo ppl,haha. i guess he will understand y they r so emo when he gets a gf himself in e near future...

i really miss talking to them, although we havent seen each other for so long or even chatted on msn, when we came tog and talked, we talked like as if ocip was ytd, nice bonds we haf there...too bad heidi wasnt there, i was hoping she will be there lor, hasnt seen her ard for so long, wonder how she looks like now, nvm, she told me she will plan the next outing, haha, i'm waiting;) and oh yeah, we discussed abt a thailand shopping trip that we want to haf at december 2008, sounds pretty cool and fun man, with aaron wong the bright mind, he can plan everything abt lodgings and transport and airfare for us, and it sounded quite affordable, looking forward to it.haha aaron was saying "tat is if we r still frens by then" lol, dun worry, as long as we meet every now and then, we will be gd frens man, so the trip shall be no prob;) (cuz e dates not confirmed, aaron actly suggested to block out the entire month beforehand just for e 5-day trip,lol, yeah rights...)

aaron seemed happy to be in mp, i am glad he is enjoying his army life now, although abit too obssessed with charging officers and officers to be,haha, and wang hao seemed quite depressed for not being able to stay on in the leadership course in commandos, but dude, dun worry man, being a commandos is alr an achievement, furthermore u r e frontline medic, singapore's future lies in ur hands man;) (if we ever haf a war that is) xh still as cheerful as alw, sometimes i wonder if she is really alw that happy or just putting up a smile cuz she doesnt want us to worry, but anw xh u shld noe by now that wadeva aaron niaoed abt u he doesnt mean it, so dun worry, u r not a stupid woman or wadsoever(: and sarah still looked like she got everything in control, no fear no trouble,haha, good for u, hope to c u in NUS as my classmate man...

alrights, this post sounds more happy than previous ones huh, haha i hope i am really this happy, so much stuff troubling me now actly...ippt, leadership test result, interview results, blah blah blah, my bravo fren actly told me that he finds me suppressing myself alot in tango wing, like so different as a person, he used to know me as the crazy guy in his section which joked ard alot, but now i am just contended staying in my room...i also dunno whether my joke will be appreciated by tango ppl or not tats y...oh well, field camp coming up, welfare field camp, cya, in 5 days time...


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