Sunday, April 22, 2007

whine whine whine, tats all i can do

soo long nv update this blog le, i doubt anyone still comes here nowadays man...but i'll still update anw, for my own sake:p

anw ocs is okay lar, not easy but not that tough, just tat been running alot stuff...just did my 8km run on friday, and it will go all the way to 16km throughout my service term, scary...i met their timing of 5mins per km, so i ended my run after about 40 mins, but i am among the last 10 i think, can u believe it? my whole wing is insanely fit...and only 20 people including me didnt get ippt gold in my wing...that is a very demoralising fact...can still rmb e times in bravo when i was like the 2nd best in my section...oh well

i must say it is really hard to mix in to my current new tango platoon 3. Especially after the field camp when the platoon was quite bonded, especially among the section. I tried toking to some of the ppl, but their reply are quite cold at times, like toking more to me will downgrade themselves.simple things like sitting down during a lecture, when i sat down next to a guy whom i shall not mention his name, he looked at me as i sat down, as if trying to say,"who gave u e permission to sit beside me, i dunno u, back off..." and one of the other guy in my platoon, he doesnt even bother looking at me when toking to me, he can actly walk away while i was trying to ask or say sth to him...i dunno y, y can't they make me feel more at home, y can't they accept a newcomer, not like i want to change wing, not like their good friends leaving the wing is due to me, not like i am going to break wadeva bond they haf is just not very enjoyable now...i am actly deemed quiet in the platoon now.quiet, can u believe it???that is so not me, and i can't understand their sense of humour, so not funny and lame at times, but they are still laughing at those stuff...bah, tats beside the pt, i just dun really enjoy my stay now, i can only really laugh heartily when around ppl like leopard 4-ians, gautam, keith, pin yuan and pak...i dunno, am i really that bad at adapting to new environment? i hope soon enough things will change, this is so miserable, plus some other stuff that i just can't keep outta my mind even after so long, life is so...haiz.

ok, enuf whining, tmr still got essay test, go me, do ur best.


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