Tuesday, October 21, 2008

guess whos back!

hmm, i decide to start blogging again, after seeing my fren's blog. He is in army too and having the same appointment as i am holding and yet he can blog constantly with pictures uploaded too,haha, i guess being busy is just an excuse man...

anw, i am gg to sleep like real soon because tmr is my riding assessment/lesson 5 and i want to maintain my one-lesson-one-try standard that i have been maintaining for the past 2 lessons. In case anyone doesnt noe wad i am talking about, i am learning riding motorbike now and it's not like a car's lesson, every lesson is like a test, you have to pass it to be able to book the next lesson to learn new stuff, so yeah.. i have been quite lucky to get lenient and nice instructors for past 2 lessons that i am able to pass in my first try!:D yup, so i am gg to sleep early tonite and have more energy tmr, not oni for the assessment, i got one busy day tmr. morning riding, then after that needa book in at Tekong for my ORD check up, then after that bk out again for my driving lesson at night...travel here and there, money money money...

k, will update more when i'm free...needa go find out how to upload pics again, i already forgot how...:P


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