Saturday, December 27, 2008


Life's great, thank God really for license especially, although i got 16 points due to me forcefully change lane and causing other vehicles to slow down,lol.

oh and diplomacy is really fun, but esther's right, too much of it makes it sian...especially when u are in the winning alliance in every round, haha. it's true that one may not always want to be in the winning team...the thrill of fighting the stronger ones can be unbeatable sometimes...comparing to being in the winning team and everything need not be worried for, which gets boring after awhile...coming to think of it, it's like studying...chinese high, hci, my life's seemingly pathed out, i do not need to worry much...but where is the thrill? comparing A and B when ppl are competing to just get into the school? coming back to diplomacy...finding the right ally is important, am i right, jh, ny, esther mb?;)

recently i've been meeting up with my church buddies a lot, it's something that i can't get sick's not like those other friends outside u have who may complain when meet up too fact we were all quite happy about it and even quoted hebrew's tms verse...those who dunno which one...tsktsktsk, even i noe, how can u duno?lol. These are the bunch of friends that you will always have regardless of which stage of life u r at...unlike schs...i bet most of u haf not kept in contact with all ur pri sch mates? ya, tts just an eg. christmas is over...and this is the first time i wrote like almost 40 christmas cards for the ppl in church...all personalised one, tts y took me like a few hours...haha.



We've really changed...and so much closer now:)


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