Monday, August 29, 2011

Never Ending Story

Saturday, August 27, 2011


Motivation from not wanting ppl around me to worry for me, so I shall move on and let go cleanly asap.

It's hard to let go of your first love, but I can do it, watch me, with God's help!

Thursday, August 25, 2011


So lost, so painful.
Nobody understands.
What can I do?

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Last night was really a hard night for me, first time since the break up. I was already letting go until I had the realisation, then everything just flowed back. Just like that. It seems like I'm just beginning to let go. It feels like we just broke up. I still can't get my head around all of these, so much has changed. With no feelings left for me, I can't ask for anything, everything's just memories, bitter sweet.

Had a dream last night, could remember every single detail. Somehow some of us came to my house in singapore to have some lesson. I looked around and realised that A was missing. So I asked, "Where's A?", someone replied, "She cut herself and was bleeding so J took her to the hospital." And then I said, "A's bleeding and NOBODY TOLD ME???" then that random person just shrugged her shoulders, as if telling me why should people tell me if A's bleeding, she's nobody to me now. And then after that I just rushed out of my house, headed for my car and drove off, wanting to find her asap. Woke up after that, with that bitter feeling still lingering in me. I can't protect/take care of her anymore, can I?

Loneliness' creeping in...actually, it's taking over blatantly and I can't do anything about it.

心痛比快樂更真實 愛為何這樣的諷刺
我忘了這是第幾次 一見你就無法堅持
孤獨比擁抱更真實 愛讓人失去了理智
會不會是我太自私 拒絕更寂寞的日子
放不開 也看不見未來
難道這種不完美 才是愛情真實的樣子


张惠妹 - 分生

作词:姚若龙 / 作曲:郑楠

我不确定 几个我 住在心里面
偶尔像敌人 偶尔像姐妹

灰色的音乐 塞满黑夜 High的像麻醉
好让翻搅的胃 安静一点 忘了全世界

分裂前的热泪 分裂后的冷眼
越爱谁 越防备 像只脆弱的刺猬
分裂中的心碎 分裂后的假面
不快乐 不伤悲 情绪埋藏成了地雷 等待爆裂

开始的热烈 不停奉献 后来剩决裂
谎言吞噬了心 带来刺痛 撕裂的蜕变

分裂前的热泪 分裂后的冷眼
越爱谁 越防备 像只脆弱的刺猬
分裂中的心碎 分裂后的假面
不快乐 不伤悲 情绪埋藏成了地雷 等待爆裂

分裂前的热泪 分裂后的冷眼
越爱谁 越防备 像只脆弱的刺猬
分裂中的心碎 分裂后的假面
不快乐 不伤悲 情绪埋藏成了地雷 等待爆裂

Monday, August 22, 2011


I am feeling quite down. Yes, I'm letting go, but it's really hard to not grieve over it. It feels like nobody can really understand, sigh. Saw zh and bunch today, remembered that A told me that she's having lunch with a group as well, so I pretended that I didn't see them. However, the queue at the pavilion was too long so I decided to leave, but zh and dk caught me. Dk wanted me to join them for lunch, I saw A's bag on one of the chairs there (shes probably buying food downstairs), didn't feel like joining them and facing her, it'll just make me even sadder, so I told dk that it's ok i'm going home, i wonder if he could tell that I wasn't alright at all. I walked down and saw A and J queueing up for salad, I hurried past them, didn't really want them to see me. Sigh. On my way down, I think I sorta teared a bit at the thought of her still being surrounded by so many friends in the same course and I don't really have anyone around me now, nobody understands anw. Can one really let go of a rls that quickly? Zero feelings now? sigh, letting go is harder than i thought it was. Has she ever loved me before? Or am I only the man who loves her?

I'm smiling. Am I really?

Thursday, August 18, 2011

The End...The beginning

I've tried, but failed. But the point is, I tried, so I have no regrets.

Moving on...

I guess not...


In retrospect

Looking back, I really had been too pushy and demanding, was I the one who pushed her away. She was asking me over and over again if we had made the right decision, I said yes over and over again without hesitance, little did I realise that it was me who was too idealistic.

Did I miss out on a possibly great rls? Is there turning back? sigh.

Sunday, August 14, 2011


Warning: Eat at your own risk...

Got burnt on Friday on my philtrum and lower part of the nose by the juice inside the 生煎包 from wang wang dim sum... I was already careful trying to bite a small hole on e side first before eating the bao so that the juice won't squirt out. However, there was already a hole on the other side (which shouldnt be there in the first place, I don't know why it's there) and all the hot sizzling boiling juice squirted onto my philtrum and nose... Well, it wasn't exactly very painful but it made me tear and sweat a lot, must be the receptors being sensitised. And yeah, there are burnt patches around those areas now, hopefully I don't need skin graft or anything like that...

Anw, the fire chicken was really very spicy, I was sweating like crazy while eating them, but I could take the spice, but maybe my sweat glands couldn't, lol! Ice skating that followed was quite fun too, watching twh and ranyta trying to learn how to skate, haha. I can still rmb the first time I learnt how to roller blade in HCI...

I still can't accept that it has to come to this...oh well

Saturday, August 13, 2011


So it's really happening, the dao stage. Didn't even say bye to each other, walking our separate ways. I guess this is how things are going to be from now on. Jo asked me if I have gotten over her or not, but I couldn't give her a straight yes or no, it's more complicated than that I guess. I just don't know what to think of her now and I don't feel like finding out either. I just feel that she doesn't bother to put in effort for this friendship (if I can even call it one) so yeah, it's best if we just proceed on with the dao stage. This seems like a deja vu, but I can't salvage the situation now, I've done all I can.

Anyhow, had a really "holy" day today. Did one to one with Lugan, even before I could get back to my room after sending him off, Ethan called me and we commenced our Book Club immediately after that. And after that we headed off for BS dinner and then had BS. No wonder I feel so mentally drained now, haha, God's word is never easy to ponder upon:P

I can't see myself falling for anyone, have I lost faith in love?

Friday, August 12, 2011


Why did I feel so tired today? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...

Anw, had a nice chat with twh last night, talking abt proposal daisakusen. haha, if we can make changes to our past, what would we change? Interesting topic;)

Somehow, I feel that something's missing in my life, and I can't bring myself to be genuinely happy, but I don't know what it is, sigh... God, please show me the way, help me to find joy in You alone.
I may appear to be a joker, someone who's always filled with laughter and happiness, but who knows if i'm truly happy or not, thats the irony about jokers, they may not be happy themselves. I don't think anyone here in Sydney can crack me up like Pak (I know I've said this quite a few times, oh well).

人 群中 哭著 我只想变成透明的颜色  
我再也不会梦 或痛 或心动了  
我已经决定了 我已经决定了  
我 静静 忍著 紧紧把昨天在拳心握著  
而回忆越是甜 就是 越伤人了  
越是在 手心留下 密密麻麻 深深浅浅 的刀割  
我不是真正的快乐 我的笑只是我穿的保护色  
我决定不恨了 也决定不爱了  
这 世界 笑了 於是我合群的一起笑了  
当生存是规则 不是 我的选择  
於是我 含著眼泪 飘飘荡荡 跌跌撞撞 的走著  
我不是真正的快乐 我的笑只是我穿的保护色  
我决定不恨了 也决定不爱了  
我不是真正的快乐 我的伤从不肯完全的愈合  
我站在你左侧 却像隔著银河  
难道就真的抱著遗憾一直到老了 然后才后悔著  
我值得真正的快乐 我应该脱下我穿的保护色  
为什麼失去了 还要被惩罚呢  
能不能就让 悲伤全部 结束在此刻 重新开始活著

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


What are friends?
To me, friends are ppl who will not constantly face the fear of saying the wrong things to e other person in case he or she flares up.

Am I even a friend now? Harsh words and cold attitude, I don't think you treat other people like that.

I feel that this friendship is one-sided as well, I've been trying far too much to maintain a normal friendship, but your consistent cold attitude is not helping at all.

I've tried, and from now on, I will not be a foolish man anymore.

Hi, bye.

Closure, thanks to...

180 degrees' change in attitude


Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Ear worm
