Sunday, August 14, 2011


Warning: Eat at your own risk...

Got burnt on Friday on my philtrum and lower part of the nose by the juice inside the 生煎包 from wang wang dim sum... I was already careful trying to bite a small hole on e side first before eating the bao so that the juice won't squirt out. However, there was already a hole on the other side (which shouldnt be there in the first place, I don't know why it's there) and all the hot sizzling boiling juice squirted onto my philtrum and nose... Well, it wasn't exactly very painful but it made me tear and sweat a lot, must be the receptors being sensitised. And yeah, there are burnt patches around those areas now, hopefully I don't need skin graft or anything like that...

Anw, the fire chicken was really very spicy, I was sweating like crazy while eating them, but I could take the spice, but maybe my sweat glands couldn't, lol! Ice skating that followed was quite fun too, watching twh and ranyta trying to learn how to skate, haha. I can still rmb the first time I learnt how to roller blade in HCI...

I still can't accept that it has to come to this...oh well


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